Prepared by Near East Institute, the First Issue of the Near East Bulletin, which contains Scientific Policies in the Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Processes, was published

Near East Bulletin has been prepared by Near East University -Near East Institute to contribute scientifically to policy production processes on issues that shape regional and global agenda.
According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, the editor of the periodic bulletin is Head of Near East Institute Assist Prof Dr Mustafa Çıraklı and in its first issue, the developments in the context of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean are examined.

In the bulletin, which was written by the Near East Institute and Near East University academics, examining the different dimensions of the energy issue, the following topics were addressed:

1.“Energy Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean: Opportunities and Risks for Cyprus” by Assoc Prof Dr Nur Köprülü;
2.“Eastern Mediterranean in 2020: Current Status and Future Projections” by Assoc Prof Dr Sait Akşit;
3.“Energy Policies in the Eastern Mediterranean: A brief forecast for 2020” by Assist Prof Dr Assel Tutumlu,
4.“Recent Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Rights of the Countries in the Region Arising from International Law” by Dr Erdi Şafak.

Also in the bulletin, , there is an analysis written specifically for the Near East Bulletin by Nimrod Goren, President of Israel Regional Foreign Policy Institute; as one of the world’s leading think tanks. It was pointed out that analyses of expert researchers on a different subject will be included in each issue of the Near East Bulletin. Furthermore, it was stated that it was designed with the aim of making scientific contribution to decision making processes and future projections by developing different perspectives on the developments. Other reports and analyses prepared by the Near East Bulletin and the Near East Institute are available on the website

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çıraklı: “The Near East Bulletin will contribute scientifically to policy production processes on the issues that shape the regional and global agenda.”
Providing details regarding the Near East Bulletin, Head of Near East Institute Assist Prof Dr Mustafa Çıraklı stated that the bulletin was designed to offer different perspectives on developments in the Near East Region, to guide decision makers and to contribute to future projections. Moreover, he said that the Near East Institute was established in 2013 with the aim of producing scientific policies and projects that aim social benefit in the political, social, economic and cultural processes, which have an important place in the agenda of the geography of the island of Cyprus. Additionally, the Near East Bulletin is targeted at presenting activities interactively with both decision makers and the civil society. Designed within this framework, Assist Prof Dr Mustafa Çıraklı expressed that the analyses in the Near East Bulletin will shed light on other stakeholders and decision makers on the subject and make important contributions to the development of all relevant policies.

In addition to the above, Assist Prof Dr Mustafa Çıraklı stressed that one of the main establishment objectives of the Near East Institute is to provide scientific support to policy production processes on the issues that shape the agenda in the Near East region, including our country. He said:

“Near East Institute, with its interdisciplinary methodological and theoretical stance, is currently a centre that has assumed this role with the vision of providing an analytical and systematic perspective in the realization and evaluation of political, social, economic and cultural processes in Cyprus and throughout the region. In this context, the Near East Bulletin, which will include analyses prepared by expert researchers on a different issue in each issue, is designed to provide different perspectives on developments, guide decision makers and contribute to future projections.”